Monday, October 5, 2009

Work in progress….

I don’t have much to say,  other than this is exhausting. Here’s a few pictures of things as they are in progress…

Another shot of the new chandelierThe new wiring closet, with Cablemodem

Family room, No carpetGrand staircase, no carpet, refinished hardwoods.Theater PlanningTheater PlanningTheater PlanningThe whole green Accent wallMore lighting install in Theater

The green accent wall is in the master bedroom, and there are a few pictures from two phases of the theater wiring project, the ‘plan’ and then after we’ve cut the holes for the new equipment.

1 comment:

  1. You are going to be having such a nice house when you get all of this done. I hope it will not take too much longer before you can really start enjoying your home.

    You have very good friends helping you and they do such nice work.
