Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We have Mutual Acceptance!

There are a lot of neat things about this house, including:

  • Built-in Home Theater
  • Attic Fan to help cool the house
  • Dimmer switches throughout the house
  • Electric Awning on the Patio
  • 80 gallon water heater
  • Ceiling fans in Master Bedroom and Family Room
  • Hall lighting that comes on when dark
  • InstaHot faucet in Kitchen
  • and much more..

Here’s more pictures:

Dining Room: WideMaster Bed: FanKitchen: RangeDining Room: ChandelierEntryFamily Room: CeilingButler's Pantry and wine fridgeKitchen deskBack Yard: PatioLiving Room: Bay WindowKitchen: Island and NookBalcony 1Exterior: RearKitchen: Island, Ovens and FridgeLiving RoomMaster BathFamily Room 1Third garage/storageBack yard: NW cornerStairs: Art nicheTub: Accent tile detailWiring panelBack Yard: SW corner & gateBack Yard: North and patioTheater: In-wall speakersLaundry Room 2Alt. Bedroom 1Family Room: View from the balconyStairwell & Art NicheTheater!Master ShowerTheater platform seatingStaircase 1Tub & FireplaceKitchen 2Kitchen 1Kitchen 3/NookMaster BedroomLaundry Room 1DenLiving Room 1Master FireplaceExterior Front

Now begins the paperwork…

1 comment:

  1. How exciting for you. The house looks wonderful. It looks like you 2 could be quite comfortable. I know the one cupboard is built in, is that huge desk pieces put together or is it built in? Is the riser in the projection room moveable -- it did not seem to have carpet or any other type of floor covering. The stove top looks amazing and the cupboards underneath it looks like they have used all available space for different kinds of storage. Incredible!!!
