Tuesday, November 17, 2009

And the sconces are in!

So, with a little help from a friend Saturday, the sconces for the theater were finally installed, and they look fantastic!

Here’s a bit of a look at the final product:

The Sconces on either side of the ScreenThe new couchThe north wallThe south Wall


These pictures would only work with the flash as backfill, so there is a bit of reflection on the shades that washes out the colors of the way the bulbs look through the shades. But you can get a good idea in a couple of the pictures, and looking at the color on the walls behind the lights.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

And, this phase is basically done..

So, we’re basically done with the changes and move in. There are still a few small things to do, but the list is SHORT comparatively speaking..  It isn’t much more than:

  • Install Sconces in the Theater (They should arrive today)
  • Build/Install Soffit to cover the hole in the ceiling in the theater (Likely to wait a while, to ensure that we don’t need more wires)
  • Hang pictures/art etc…
  • Add a few more pieces of furniture to various locations around the house over the next year or so.

So, here’s what it looked like Saturday morning:


Friday, October 23, 2009

More progress..

We’re actually living in the house now, and we’ve made progress on quite a few things. Here are a few more pictures (In somewhat chronological order), including some with furniture..



Wiring cabinet, with most of the new stuff in it.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Work in progress….

I don’t have much to say,  other than this is exhausting. Here’s a few pictures of things as they are in progress…

Another shot of the new chandelierThe new wiring closet, with Cablemodem

Family room, No carpetGrand staircase, no carpet, refinished hardwoods.Theater PlanningTheater PlanningTheater PlanningThe whole green Accent wallMore lighting install in Theater

The green accent wall is in the master bedroom, and there are a few pictures from two phases of the theater wiring project, the ‘plan’ and then after we’ve cut the holes for the new equipment.