Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ok, I need to have a few photos easy to find, and this is a convenient location..

For various reasons, I need a few photos up where I can show them to several people as examples of things that can be done with Geocoins. So, you all get to see them here!

I’ll probably be updating this post several times, to keep everything in one place.

So, to start with, we’ll examine what can be done with “2d” coins.

Butterfly 2o1o (Tie Die)


This coin is a great example of multi-level 2D under translucent (hard) enamel. The right-hand picture only uses 2 colors of enamel, yet because of the multiple depths appears to have far more.  The left picture only has 5 colors of enamel. I believe this is 4-level coin on each side, 3 recessed and then the raised/exposed metal.

Eat, Sleep, Cache (Blue front)

EatSleepCache V2 Blue (front)EatSleepCache V2 Blue (back)

This is another multilevel under hard enamel, this time with both translucent and opaque enamels. In this case, the under-enamel raised details are used to add shadows in the lake, and detail to the sun, along with implying some depth. 

Digital Hell (Copper with Green)

Digital Hell - Copper and GreenDigital Hell - Copper and Green (back)

This coin is hard to get good pictures of with the really shiny copper, so I’m using a few I found around the web. In this case, the enamel used is soft but also translucent.

MindBender (Coinclub)

Mindbender (front)Mindbender (back)

This coin is particularly interesting because it uses a combination of 2D and 3D techniques, and a combination of both soft and hard enamels. 


-- More to Come --

Monday, August 16, 2010

We went for a drive yesterday, and saw this…

Day trip around Rainier

I took this picture from a viewpoint as we went around the east side of Rainier yesterday. That is “White River” down below.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wow. I guess things have been busy…

So, a lot has happened in my geocoin/geocaching stuff since I last posted, and as of today, I’m officially starting the countdown until GeoWoodstock VIII in Carnation on the 3rd of July!

I haven’t hit very many caches recently, because I’ve been so busy, but I’ve added a few coins, including this month’s club coin (which, once again, my private speculations were WRONG).

So, here’s some of what has arrived:

GCC May 2010 (icon)GCC May 2010 “10 years of giving back” (Title is a guess)

GCC May 2010 -Mint (front)GCC May 2010 -Mint (back)

Elements Compass - Sun (icon) Elements Compass – Sun

Elements Compass Sun gold (front)Elements Compass Sun gold (back)

For this one, I actually picked it up in 3 finishes, Shiny Silver, Shiny Gold, and Antique Gold. The pictures above are the Shiny Gold. There are some differences in the Antique coins, here’s a shot of the back of the Antique Gold as an example:

Elements Compass Sun antique gold (back)

Davy Jones Locker (icon) Davy Jones Locker

Davy Jones Locker (back)Davy Jones Locker (front)

Davy Jones Locker Silver-Blue (back)Davy Jones Locker Silver-Blue (front)

I also have ordered an interesting set that I’m looking forward too, titled the “Axial Intervals” set.  It should be here later this week.

Axial Intervals - Winter (icon)Axial Intervals - Spring (icon)Axial Intervals - Summer (icon)Axial Intervals - Fall (icon)Axial Intervals: Winter, Spring Summer and Fall respectively (fronts)

Axial Intervals - Winter (front)Axial Intervals - Spring (front)

Axial Intervals - Summer (front)Axial Intervals - Fall (front)

And for the backs:

Axial Intervals - Winter (back)Axial Intervals - Spring (back)

Axial Intervals - Summer (back)Axial Intervals - Fall (back)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Insanity-Inc Pathtags are here, and look fantastic!

I think that most of my readers are familiar with the fact that with the help of a friend, I ordered some pathtags that were based on the Allegiance/Kinship/Guild name a bunch of us use when playing things like Asheron’s Call, Lord of the Rings Online, etc…

Well, without further ado:



These things are 23mm in diameter, and make GREAT keychains. If you are a member of Insanity-Inc, and are interested in acquiring one, please contact either myself or NepoKama privately, and we’ll get it worked out.

So, on a slightly more personal note (but still related) I’ve also traded a few of these for other interesting tags, and I’ll probably post a few pictures of them here and there over the next few weeks. Right, now, I need to get my end of the trades mailed off!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A visit to “Mission 9: Tunnel of Light” aka The APE Cache

So, Saturday a couple of friends and I took the hike out here to the APE cache, since it’s the last surviving one in the US, and picked up a few other caches along the way, including one I believe is the oldest surviving cache in Washington State!

I took a few pictures along the way, and I know my friends took even more (they had a nice DSLR along, I was just using a cheap pocket cam) but I wanted to share a few of mine..


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Another couple of coins…

Here’s a couple of ‘anniversary’ coins, for different things.

First off, the coin I picked up this morning for the 10th anniversary of Geocaching (one of many coins commemorating that.)

I will be acquiring other 10 year anniversary coins over the next months, but this is my first in hand.

10 Years! Multi Event Geocoin10 years of Geocaching Multi Event Coin

10th Green on black (front)10th Green on black (back)

And a bit older one that I acquired:

CC GeocoinCC Geocoin”  GCC 1 Year Anniversary Contest
GCC 1st Contest (front)GCC 1st Contest (back)

So, this is the first time the pictures are my own work, rather than stock. Sorry if they are not quite as crisp.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

So, I decided to take a few pictures outside while the sun was out…

I recently received a new digital camera/camcorder as a gift, so of course I needed to step outside and take a few pictures..

So, since things have been quiet here.. a few more coins for your perusal..

Last night, I received this month’s coin-club coin, and was a bit surprised at the subject matter. The icon has been posted for a few little while now, and it looks like this:

GCC 4/10 Coin

Looking at that, My first thought was “Roast Chicken?”

But I was very wrong.

Cache Tick (front)Cache Tick (back)

So, the title of this coin is “Cache Tick

Oh, my. I just realized I hadn’t talked about my GeoCoinClub membership before! The “Cache Tick” is actually my second monthly coin from them, the first was the March coin: “Beware the Hex” which looks like:

Beware the Hex (icon)Beware the Hex” GCC March 2010

Beware the Hex (Store Front)Beware the Hex (Store Back)

Now, to let the speculation on next month begin. Here’s next-month’s icon: GCC May 2010 (icon)

What we know so far about the May coin: It’s a “Geocaching 10 year anniversary” coin, but that could mean many things.  I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


Here are some pictures of a few other GeoCoinClub Coins that I’ve acquired other ways, either through friends, the club store, or EBay. As usual, these are stock pictures, or pictures I’ve gotten from other sources, as I have yet to start taking my own.

Original Micro (icon)The Original Micro” GCC January 2010


Original Micro (front)Original Micro (back)

This one snaps on to the top of a 35mm film canister!

El Muerto Del Ammocan (icon)El Muerto del Ammocan” GCC July 2009

El Muerto Del Ammocan RE (front 1)El Muerto Del Ammocan RE (back 1)

GCC2 (icon)GCC Second Anniversary” GCC August 2007

GCC2 (front)GCC2 (back)

Note: I actually have the Special edition of this one, which is Bronze in color, but don’t have a good picture of that.

Lucky Horseshoe - GCC March 2009 (icon)Pot of Gold/Lucky Horseshoe” GCC March 2009

Lucky Horseshoe - GCC March 2009 (back)Lucky Horseshoe - GCC March 2009 (front)

Masters of Cache (icon)The Original Masters of Cache” – GCC Bonus coin for new Subscription

Masters of Cache Copper (Back)Masters of Cache Copper (Front)

Not Every Cache Surrenders (icon)Not Every Cache Surrenders” GCC July 2008

Not Every Cache Surrenders (Store Front)Not Every Cache Surrenders (Store back)

Puking Pumpkin (icon)Pathtag Puking Pumpkin” GCC October 2009

Pathtag Puking Pumpkin 2 tone (front)Puking Pumpkin (back)

The Blarney Coin (icon)The Blarney Coin” GCC March 2008

The Blarney Coin (store back)The Blarney Coin (store front)